Type: array

k6 Extension Registry.

The k6 extension registry contains the most important properties of registered extensions.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

Properties of the registered k6 extension.

Only those properties of the extensions are registered, which either cannot be detected automatically, or delegation to the extension is not allowed.

Properties that are available using the repository manager API are intentionally not registered.

The string like properties that are included in the generated Grafana documentation are intentionally not accessed via the API of the repository manager. It is not allowed to inject arbitrary text into the Grafana documentation site without approval. Therefore, these properties are registered (eg description)

No Additional Properties

Type: string

The extension's go module path.

This is the unique identifier of the extension.
More info about module paths: https://go.dev/ref/mod#module-path

The extension has no name property, the module path or part of it can be used as the extension name. For example, using the first two elements of the module path after the host name, the name grafana/xk6-dashboard can be formed from the module path github.com/grafana/xk6-dashboard. This is typically the repository owner name and the repository name in the repository manager.

The extension has no URL property, a URL can be created from the module path that refers to the extension within the repository manager.



Type: array of string

List of JavaScript import paths registered by the extension.

Currently, paths must start with the prefix k6/x/.

The extensions used by k6 scripts are automatically detected based on the values specified here, therefore it is important that the values used here are consistent with the values registered by the extension at runtime.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: string
Must match regular expression: ^k6/x/



Type: array of string

List of output names registered by the extension.

The extensions used by k6 scripts are automatically detected based on the values specified here, therefore it is important that the values used here are consistent with the values registered by the extension at runtime.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: string



Type: string Default: ""

Brief description of the extension.


"This is a very cool extension, it displays the message 'Hello World!'"

Type: array of string

List of supported versions.

Versions are tags whose format meets the requirements of semantic versioning. Version tags often start with the letter v, which is not part of the semantic version.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:



Type: boolean Default: false

Flag indicating the need for cgo.

The cgo property value true indicates that cgo must be enabled to build the extension.

Type: string Default: ""

Version constraints.

Version constraints are primarily used to filter automatically detected versions.
It can also be used to filter the versions property imported from the origin registry.

Must match regular expression: [vxX*|,&\^0-9.+-><=, ~]+


Type: object

Repository metadata.

Metadata provided by the extension's git repository manager. Repository metadata are not registered, they are queried at runtime using the repository manager API.

Type: string

The name of the repository.



Type: string

The owner of the repository.



Type: string

URL of the repository.

The URL is provided by the repository manager and can be displayed in a browser.



Type: string Default: ""

The URL to the project homepage.

If no homepage is set, the value is the same as the url property.



Type: string Default: ""

Repository description.


"This is a wonderful extension, it says 'Hello Wonderful World!'"

Type: integer Default: "0"

The number of stars in the extension's repository.

The extension's popularity is indicated by how many users have starred the extension's repository.



Type: array of string

Repository topics.

Topics make it easier to find the repository. It is recommended to set the xk6 topic to the extensions repository.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: string



Type: boolean Default: "false"

Public repository flag.

A true value indicates that the repository is public, available to anyone.



Type: string Default: ""

The SPDX ID of the extension's license.

For more information about SPDX, visit https://spdx.org/licenses/



Type: boolean Default: "false"

Archived repository flag.

A true value indicates that the repository is archived, read only.

If a repository is archived, it usually means that the owner has no intention of maintaining it. Such extensions should be removed from the registry.

Type: number Default: 0

Last modification timestamp.

The timestamp property contains the timestamp of the last modification of the repository in UNIX time format (the number of non-leap seconds that have elapsed since 00:00:00 UTC on 1st January 1970).
Its value depends on the repository manager, in the case of GitHub it contains the time of the last push operation, in the case of GitLab the time of the last repository activity.



Type: string Default: ""

URL for the git clone operation.

The clone_url property contains a (typically HTTP) URL, which is used to clone the repository.



Type: enum (of string) Default: "community"

Maintainer of the extension.

Possible values:

  • official: Extensions owned, maintained, and designated by Grafana as "official"
  • partner: Extensions written, maintained, validated, and published by third-party companies against their own projects.
  • community: Extensions are listed on the Registry by individual maintainers, groups of maintainers, or other members of the k6 community.

Extensions owned by the grafana GitHub organization are not officially supported by Grafana by default.
There are several k6 extensions owned by the grafana GitHub organization, which were created for experimental or example purposes only.
The official tier value is needed so that officially supported extensions can be distinguished from them.

If it is missing from the registry source, it will be set with the default "community" value during generation.

Must be one of:

  • "official"
  • "partner"
  • "community"



Type: array

Products in which the extension can be used.

Some extensions are not available in all k6 products.
This may be for a technological or business reason, or the functionality of the extension may not make sense in the given product.

Possible values:

  • oss: Extensions are available in k6 OSS
  • cloud: Extensions are available in Grafana Cloud k6
  • synthetic: Extensions are available in Grafana Synthetic Monitoring

If the property is missing or empty in the source of the registry, it means that the extension is only available in the k6 OSS product.
In this case, the registry will be filled in accordingly during generation.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: enum (of string)

Products in which the extension can be used.

Some extensions are not available in all k6 products.
This may be for a technological or business reason, or the functionality of the extension may not make sense in the given product.

Possible values:

  • oss: Extensions are available in k6 OSS
  • cloud: Extensions are available in Grafana Cloud k6
  • synthetic: Extensions are available in Grafana Synthetic Monitoring

If it is missing from the registry source, it will be set with the default [&#34;community&#34;] value during generation.

Must be one of:

  • "oss"
  • "cloud"
  • "synthetic"





Type: array

The categories to which the extension belongs.

If the property is missing or empty in the registry source, the default value is [&#34;misc&#34;].

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: enum (of string)

The categories to which the extension belongs.

If it is missing from the registry source, it will be set with the default [&#34;misc&#34;] value during generation.

Must be one of:

  • "authentication"
  • "browser"
  • "data"
  • "kubernetes"
  • "messaging"
  • "misc"
  • "observability"
  • "protocol"
  • "reporting"





Type: object

The result of the extension's k6 compliance checks.

No Additional Properties

Type: integer

Compliance expressed as a percentage.

The level property contains a percentage of how well the extension complies with best practices.
The value of the level can be between 0-100 and is determined by the weighted and normalized sum of the scores of the compliance checks.

Value must be greater or equal to 0 and lesser or equal to 100



Type: enum (of string)

Compliance expressed as a grade.

The grade property contains a grade (A-F) of how well the extension complies with best practices.
The value of the grade can be A,B,C,D,E,F and is calculated from the level property.

Must be one of:

  • "A"
  • "B"
  • "C"
  • "D"
  • "E"
  • "F"
  • "G"

